Working Environment Setup Tips & Tricks

This is something that is rarely discussed other than than 'my editor is better than your editor' wars.

Many of these things don't even enter your mind as a new programmer, because you don't realise that they're a 'thing' until you see someone else use them, and then go 'whattttt, that was cool, what did you just do there?!'

Things like:

  • How to set up ESLint, a code linter plugin. ESLint will advise of inconsistencies and 'bad' style in your code. Really useful to point out syntax errors.
  • Gomix - previously known as HyperDev. Great for group and pair programming. Dual cursors, save/retrieve from Github repos, live in-browser updates, npm modules, so React and stuff can be used.
  • How to set your editor to autosave (no more CTRL+S)
  • Autocompletion and Emmet type functionality
  • Auto-reloading HTML browser plugins, and later, Webpack-dev-server et al.
  • JSON formatting browser plugins
  • Webpack and webpack-dev-server configuration for bundling, babel, and auto-refresh dev server
  • Text-editor/terminal efficiency, Vim, ZSH, multi-pane terminal wizardry?
  • .bashrc and dotfiles show n tell? Bash aliases and custom configurations...what's possible?
  • What are the people in the know using, and where to find out more?
  • ...

This page requires some discussion in the group. We briefly suggested it for a session and promptly forgot all about it!

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