
If you would like to do Javascript professionally it is obviously important to learn it properly, but also be confident speaking about it and other software development methodologies.

You also have to think about how you can distinguish yourself from other candidates in a job interview. Not just technically, you have to show that on a personal level you would be a good fit. Being positive and having a can do attitude is key, no one wants to have spoon feed you.

Start to build a portfolio of your skills on github with creative projects. There is nothing more impressive than having a demo to show a prospective employer.

Get interview fit by doing lots of interviews. Learn how to relax and let your value shine through by giving examples of your experience and problem solving.

Become a loss leader and do some free / low paid freelance projects for experience. Do a project for a non-profit organisation. Get an internship. Anything to demonstrate that you have some commercial experience.

Show an interest in other programming languages and technology.

Contribute to open source projects such as our own.

Release a mobile app.

Get involved with meet up groups.

Go to tech events such as TechSPARK and meet recruiting companies looking to hire.

Keep up on the bleeding edge of technology and trends.

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