
Think First

Use your intuition before you dive down any rabbit holes. What do you think the cause might be? Have you made any recent changes that might have caused the bug? Can you roll back to a previous commit that works?

Browser Dev Tools

You can view error messages in the browser console. We recommend using Chrome as your browser but the others have very similar dev tools too.

Chrome DevTools Overview

console.log is your friend

You can debug your code by logging to the browser/terminal console:

const foobar = 'orly!?'
console.log('debug something: ', foobar)

Learn how to search properly, both your code and google.

Stack OverFlow

If you have an error message search Stack Overflow, it's probably been experienced before!

Minimal Test Case

When something is really bugging you, go back to basics and make a minimal test case. If that works as expected then you know the problem lies else where.

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